a little bit change
Pyton is an advanced tool to build various applications, including websites, web cralwer, data analysis and extremelly popular applications in Deep Learning, AI…
This blog contains my first exprience in Python and Scrapy based web cralwer, where python is a implementation language and scrapy is a fast web crawling and web scraping framework. Scrapy is highly extensible, which can incooperate with other techniques such as Selenium.
最近使用 C# + XAML + UWP 写了一个 APP,我将其命名为 BookFinder。 最初的设想是想让它拥有如下功能:
现在写的第一个版本 v1.0,仅仅提供了一个热门书籍推荐和下载功能。源码公布在Github上,并且发布了第一个版本,有兴趣的同学可以自己下载安装。当然也可以下载源码自行编译。
Surface tension of liquids plays a central role in many small-scale interfacial phenomena. For instance, the curvature force which is why small insects can walk on water, the Marangoni flow caused by surface tension gradient, the wet-ability of liquids……
Sometimes you have to get the value of surface tension of liquids without the specific facilities. What should you do?